At Fraser Coast Electrical we can help you with:
Electrical Service and small installation work
Emergency available 24 hours – Call 0401 739 553
Home Improvements & Repairs including:
Electrical Services
Smoke Detectors
Clipsal products – Smoke alarms save lives and protect property from the powerful destruction of fire. Smoke alarms have a limited working life and need to be replaced every 10 years to provide adequate protection for your home and family.
Ceiling Fans and Ventilation
Clipsal Products Ceiling sweep fans are fashionable, super quiet and an effective way to freshen the air and cool your home, while saving energy and reducing air-conditioning costs.
Hot Water Repair
Water heater not operating as expected? Check out Rheem Troubleshooting Guide
Solar Hot Water –
A Rheem Split System Combines slim roof mounted collectors with a ground mounted tank reducing the structural load and visual impact on your roof. Complete the guide to find out what system is best for you
Is the wiring in your home safe? Do you find that you overload electrical outlets and experience power surges, you might need to rewire your home. The wiring in your home is subject to wear and tear replacement depends on the type and condition of the wiring. All of our rewiring work is carried out to Australian Standards.
Lighting plays a very important part in your house design, comfort and ongoing energy costs. Correct lighting needs to be chosen to suit the application within your home. Fraser Coast Electrical use quality
Clipsal Lighting products
We supply and install and offer a lifetime service
Mitsubishi world-leaders in reliability, quietness and energy efficiency
Quick to install and also one of the quietest air conditioning units on the market (as low as 19dBA*¹), this newly designed, attractive airconditioning range offers the perfect way to ensure a comfortable environment with the minimum of disruption.
Test & Tag
We are licenced to carry out RCD test and emergeny light test to Australian Standards 3760 & 3012 – Unsure of the requirements?
Test and Tag
We use only quality Chef and Westinghouse Electrical Appliances
Switchboard Upgrades
How do I know if I need a Switchboard Upgrade?
Have you recently purchased an older home or added solar panels to your home – chances are the electrical switchboard will need upgrading – New modern appliances may overload the circuit boards – this can lead to fires. For safety of your family it is wise to have it checked by an authorised electrician. At Fraser Coast Electrical we can help you with this.
Want to know the Safety Steps
Safety Switch Problems
Give yourself peace of mind with the simple installation of a a Lifesaver Safety Switch in your home’s electrical switchboard. Your family will have the best protection money can buy.
Telephone Points
Do you need extra telephone outlets – we can check the signal in your existing points and add additonal points to anywhere you require them in your home. We use the latest digital cable.
Extra Power Points
You can never have enough power points. Power points and light switches don’t need to be boring
and with the new range of styles and colours you can match them to your decor.
Stove and Oven Repairs
Stove or oven not working properly? Worse, your in the middle of preparing a meal and everything stops. Call us at Fraser Coast Electrical
Surge Protection and more…
A switchboard surge arrestor is designed to stop surges into the switchboard and prevent them entering your home. The surge arrestor is a small investment and the best way to protect your assets and property.
For all Your Electrical Needs
Elec Lic # 10736
Also houshold electrical items – powerpoints, lights, fans, HWS, stoves, dishwashers etc
Fraser Coast Electrical source the best product for the lowest cost and we use and promote:
Clipsal products, Chef and Westinghouse White Goods, Dishlex dishwashers, Rheem HWS and Mitsubishi Airconditoners